School trip behaviour & code of conduct

Kate Moore

31 Jan 2024, 16:57
by Kate Moore


Make every moment count on your next school trip abroad

Making a memorable school trip - a guide for students

Embarking on a school trip abroad is an exciting adventure that opens up a world of new experiences.  To make the most of this unique opportunity, please follow these practical tips to ensure you have a fun, educational and safe trip that creates memories for a lifetime.

  • Be respectful: Show courtesy to your fellow students, teachers, your driver, and the locals you meet on your trip. Remember, you are representing your school and country.
  • Make every moment count: Get fully involved in group activities and visits. Ask questions, share your thoughts, and make the most of the opportunities presented during the trip.
  • Follow the rules: Pay attention to instructions from your teachers, your coach driver and local staff. Adhering to guidelines ensures everyone's safety and enhances the overall experience.
  • Use the language: Try to use the local language as much as possible. Ask people to help you with difficult words and don't worry if you make mistakes. Smile and greet people you meet in their local language.
  • Be open-minded: Keep an open mind and be curious about the new culture you're exploring. Chat with locals, try new foods, and appreciate the uniqueness of the destination.
  • Stay together: It's important to stick with your group and not wander off alone. This helps ensure everyone's safety and makes it easier for the teachers to manage the group.
  • Be responsible: Take care of your belongings and be mindful of your surroundings. This includes keeping track of your passport, money, and any personal items.
  • Practise good manners: Be polite whether interacting with locals, fellow students, teachers and instructors. Be on time for meals and activities.
  • Be mindful of the environment: Respect the natural surroundings and historical sites you visit. Use a refillable water bottle, dispose of litter responsibly and follow any recycling guidelines to ensure the preservation of these places for future generations.
  • Stay informed: Be aware of the local customs and traditions, as well as any specific rules or etiquette that may differ from what you're accustomed to at home.
  • Have fun responsibly: While enjoying the trip, ensure that your actions contribute to a positive and safe experience for everyone. Create lasting memories while being mindful of the well-being of yourself and others.

When travelling by coach, please follow these three simple rules:

  • Stay seated and wear the seat belts provided.
  • Don’t eat or drink on the coach without permission.
  • Clear any litter at the end of the journey.

Safe travels and we hope your trip is rich and rewarding!

More tips and resources




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