Top 12 cities around the world for catching Pokemon!

28 Oct 2016, 13:15

Whatever your position on the adoption of new technologies in education, an unavoidable truth about every generation henceforth is that the smart phone will play a part in their lives.  How big  a part will depend on parenting, classroom rules and policy,  and of course the individual.

 Nevertheless, the phenomenal success of apps such as Pokemon Go cannot be ignored,  and in an effort to embrace and understand the technologies that increasingly consume our children’s ‘spare’ time, we have been researching the cities worldwide most populated with Pokemon. 

There is a Pokemon Go Halloween event currently in progress with all kinds of new characters and extra prizes on offer, so no doubt things will build to fever pitch as we approach the 31st!

 According to the Nomad List website, the top 12 global cities to spot your Pokemon are:


  1. San Francisco
  2. New York
  3. Berlin
  4. London
  5. Tokyo
  6. Washington DC
  7. Philadelphia
  8. Sydney
  9. Vancouver
  10. Boston
  11. Oakland
  12. Paris


With the exception of Sydney, Voyager School Travel offers school trips to all these locations, so why not combine your students educational school trip with something that excites them in every day life? 

Get in touch today to find out more!

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